My name is Mr. Ibrahim Adey a Medial Practitioner 43 years old weighing 90 kilogram, 5.11 feet tall, fair in complexion. About food I do not have favorite any palatable food that can be easily made available, about hobbies? My hobbies has now turn to be my main job, Reading, research, Script writing, etcetera On Religion I decide not to idolize any of the Prophets since they all claim to be sent by only one supreme being and this supreme being has never on any occasion in the past and during this era to come down to confirm or denies this claims but I am convinced that there is God. To me miracle is a favorable mystery enable by ignorant to elude comprehension and mysterious is the opposite I will not like to set any condition Rather than the age limit because I believe like attracts like and the birds of the same feather flies together if Only you are attracted to view my profile and you develop the urge to call this number you are the one 0265562416. The qualities I am looking for in Woman are not that of physical appearance if I should have my way, but I will be pleased with anyone this platform will afford me, because half bread is better than none, but it will be a plus if the one is interested in medial practice, artistic consciousness literary work, talent to sing, or dance, or any other relevant